API Docs
Our API lets you easily integrate URL shortening functionality into your applications applications and services. With SwiftURL, you can generate short, elegant links in just a few lines of code a few lines of code, giving your users a simple and and efficient way to share links. Whether youre developing a mobile application application, a website or an online service, our API gives you the tools you need to simplify the the link management process while delivering an user experience.
You can find the SwiftURL API Postman here.
Our API endpoint can be accessed at https://swifturl.me/api/
Shorten a Link
This feature allows you to shorten a link by providing a long URL as input.
Request Schema:
Other parameters:
Request Examples:
For a link:
For multiple links:
Get Shorten a Link
This API feature lets you retrieve a shortened link by supplying the backhalf as a request parameter.
Request Schema:
Request Examples: